Sanctuaryhouse12's Blog

Relapse prevention

Sanctuary House of S. Florida is the leader in South Florida for gay men in recovery.  Transitional living is an important part of the recovery process.

At Sanctuary House, we strive to produce a safe, sober, peaceful place for gay men in recovery.  It is important to locate and discuss your options with respect to choosing a place with an active program in the 12-step program, as well as resources in the local community

Drug Addiction Statistics

  • Studies show an estimated 20 million people are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  • Approximately 135,000 people die each year as a consequence of drugs and alcohol.

Sanctuary House of S. Florida, Inc.

A Non-profit halfway house for men in recovery

116 Northwest 25 Street

Wilton Manors, FL 33311  (Part of Ft. Lauderdale)


Jared C. Cashner, CCR, N.P.

Executive Director

Relapse Prevention, getting past the hump.

In all the world, the “hump”, or the period where staying sober sinks in, is a line that for most, moves with the situation.  Think of it this way, it’s like a cake mix.  If you leave out even one ingredient, the cake, like sobriety will fall.

Jared’s Recipe for sobriety

One pound of determination

2 cups of honesty

and a big handful of willingness to live a different life.

It’s been my experience in the halfway house industry, here at Sanctuary House of S. Florida,  that many people are under the impression that two out of three “ain’t” bad.  WRONG, if items in your life are standing in the way of waking each day with the same determination that keeps us all functioning sober, then they must first be addressed.